Sharing vegan stuff, including cookies!
I live my passion
Always promoting this lifestyle.
Meal-prepping is my jam. 😏👩‍🍳
Meal-prepping is my jam. 😏👩‍🍳

Hey Foodie! I am so glad you stopped by. Here's a little about me and what you can expect from the Vegan It Real site.

🍎 It was a journey to get here. As much as I would like to think good karma and the Laws of Attraction made me a conscious vegan overnight, this path I started down a long time ago and I am not 100% sure where it will lead. I hope you will stick with me to find out. I celebrated 7 years of veganism on June 24, 2024!

🥦 I have a little cred! I spent nearly 20 years in the corporate baking world and 10 years as a writer, and in 2018 I switched gears to learn, plan, and execute my new career. I am a certified Plant-Based Culinary Professional, a Holistic Nutritionist, a Food Safety Manager, and a Personal Chef. I invest in learning and growing.

🥕 I talk about food, a lot! I love sharing the latest information on plant-based research and companies and organizations making a difference. I might mention brands I love, provide vegan travel ideas, and discuss real-life issues affecting today's conscious, plant-based foodie.

🍎 You'll find the good stuff! I'll share my favorite tips, tools, recipes, products, and resources you can rely on. These things have worked for me and they might work for you!

🥦 Let's collaborate! Why not join efforts to inform others on ways they can get involved in the plant-based revolution? Check out my Collaborate page on ways we can make change together, inside and outside the kitchen!

🥕 I became vegan for the health of it, but, now I consider myself vegan for the Planet 🌏! Now that I have learned what it truly means to be a vegan, I see the impact through the choices I make every day. With that in mind, I am an advocate for the animals and the planet just as much as for my health. When you choose to lead a plant-based, vegan lifestyle, you are single-handedly changing the world day after day.

🍎 No judgment zone! I haven't met a perfect person in all my days, so, let's not sweat the small stuff and let's just be friends! I will not be THAT vegan who holds your feet to the fire if you slip up, knowingly or not. We are all just doing the best we can.

🥦 I mess up sometimes. I have come to terms with try as I may, I am not perfect! If (and when) I mess up, I will always do what I can to make it right. That's how we KEEP VEGANISM REAL here @ Vegan It Real!

🥕 Scroll down for more...

My background as a vegan chef stems from a love of food and a passion for truth regarding food facts and what we should and should not be eating, for a long, healthful life. I want to know what is in my food and I want to know what is good for me, not what advertisers and Big Agra lobbyists want me to think is good for me. I want to know what we don't learn in school...what we don't learn in health class. And, I want to know why we don't learn what and how to eat from our doctors and healthcare providers.

I'd like to understand why there isn't more focus on a healthier, preventative societal norm when it comes to food. Why do we operate on a reactive basis and not a preventative basis? Why don't we look at the whole body for solutions but rather provide a bandaid (I.e. name your specialists) for the bits and parts? And, seriously, I'd like to know why real food (organic fruits and veggies) is so expensive and why junk food is so cheap.

In 2017, I invested in and immersed myself in learning all I could about plant-based nutrition, our holistic anatomy, and what defined "real" food. I had a deep-seated need to know what food was doing to our bodies, good or bad, and I wanted to make sure I was eating the foods that our bodies wanted.

Read My Journey to learn more about Why I seek answers about food.

I became certified as a Plant-Based Professional through the world's leading online culinary school, Rouxbe, where I learned professional culinary skills and techniques I never knew existed. And, I became certified in holistic nutrition consulting through American Fitness Professionals Association (AFPA), a world-class health, and fitness program. Through this organization and 6-month course, I found that food and health and life longevity are attainable. If everyone had real facts about real food, they could likely navigate real life a heck of a lot easier when it comes to preventative healthcare and quality of life. I also learned that 'ole Hippocrates was right, "Food is thy medicine". So why do we keep being prescribed pills?

My two Rs = reading and researching.
My two Rs = reading and researching.